
2023 National Adaptation Conference: call for abstracts now open

March 9, 2023


The 2022 Adaptation Forum brought together experts to talk about what adaptation means across Australia. The hub is excited to invite you to join us for Australia’s next national adaptation conference to be held in Adelaide from 25th – 27th July 2023.

This event run in partnership with AdaptNSW was opened by Senator the Hon Jenny McAllister, Assistant Minister for Climate Change.

“Regrettably, the impacts, which were once projections, are now a reality,” said Assistant Minister McAllister, speaking on the importance of adaptation.

“The cost of natural disasters, socially and economically, is going to continue to rise … as a consequence of climate change.

“The good news is that lots of you have been working in institutions and organisations that never stopped thinking about this, never stopped working, and never stopped doing practical things.”

Over the 2 days, 329 people registered to join the forum, and 85 experts presented on topics ranging from Indigenous knowledge to adaptation across sectors and climate science. More than 60% of presenters were women. The event was also carbon neutral, and offset 36.44 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Building on the success of the forum, the hub is excited to announce the return of the Climate Adaptation conference series. This year’s conference will bring together Australia’s leading adaptation professionals in Adelaide from 23 to 27 July.

Call for abstracts are now open for oral presentations, sparkler presentations and posters.

The conference is Australia’s preeminent event focused exclusively on climate vulnerability, impacts and adaptation. It is an opportunity to share knowledge and experience, to network and strengthen the growing community of adaptation practice and research in Australia.

The program across three days includes plenary sessions focused on key voices, panel sessions and workshops addressing specific challenges and thematic sessions of delegate presentations.

We also offer a pre-conference day for early career professionals on the 24th July. Abstract submissions close 30 April 2023.

Submit an abstract

Climate Adaptation 2023 invites authors to submit abstracts for oral presentation (12 minutes + 3 minutes question time), sparkler presentation (3 minutes) and poster display.

We are looking for presentations from practitioners, policymakers and researchers from all sectors and industries related to experience, approaches and research around adaptation.

We are asking for abstracts to be submitted against one of the 6 themes, but there is an ‘Other’ category if your abstract does not fit a theme.

  • People and industry driving adaptation and innovation
  • Governance and risk
  • Building capacity, partnering and engaging for successful adaptation
  • Managing land and sea for adaptation
  • Resilient people, resilient places
  • Understanding and communicating to inform adaptation


This event is being run in partnership with the South Australian Department for Environment and Water.

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