Recent extreme weather events and shifting climates in Australia demonstrate the need for improved climate resilience. Climate change projections can help Australian communities, industries and business better understand climate risks and hazards – for both long-term changes in average conditions (such as temperature and rainfall) and extreme hazards (such as bushfires, tropical cyclones and flooding).
The Climate Systems Hub is working with stakeholders and researchers to scope and prioritise the hub’s climate change projections research and products. This co-design process will investigate the climate information needs of our stakeholders and determine how projections and model performance can be improved to help answer policy and management questions of national and regional significance.
As part of a coordinated national effort, we’re working closely with stakeholders such as state and territory organisations, the Australian Climate Services and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to explore options for improved projections, approaches and products. We acknowledge, and are learning from, climate adaptation actions already taken in many regions around Australia. These activities will inform the direction of projections science and ensure that findings are well communicated, accessible and useable across all Australian sectors, such as conservation and water management, and catchment, emergency and infrastructure planning.
This project will develop products to summarise the state-of-play in projection science in Australia, consider future directions and opportunities, and investigate options for developing projections products that meet user needs. The project will also produce synthesis products on topics such as downscaled projections, tropical cyclones, extreme fire weather conditions and other climate hazards, and will trial a storyline approach to presenting and communicating climate change projections.
For more information:
Want to know more? Please contact the project leads:
Andrew Dowdy, Bureau of Meteorology and Jason Evans, University of NSW