Preparing for a Post-Net-Zero World

Preparing for a Post-Net-Zero World

August 11, 2022

Current greenhouse gas emissions will continue to affect the climate even after we reach net-zero emissions. There is a clear knowledge gap that must be addressed to understand the implications of a cooling climate. Two major research avenues are proposed to prepare the world for a post-net-zero future; simulations with net-zero or net-negative greenhouse gas emissions, and the global decision-making process that would apply post net-zero emissions. Modelling to examine mitigation pathways and a cooling climate to consider the full range of societal concerns and trade-offs beyond climate change and based on principles of justice and equity could inform decision making post-net zero emissions.

Read more: King, A.D., Peel, J., Ziehn, T., Bowen, K.J., McClelland, H.L.O., McMichael, C., Nicholls, Z.R.J., & Sniderman, J.M.K. (2022). Preparing for a post-net-zero world. Nature Climate Change, 12, 775-777. doi:

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