Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Forecasts Provide the Backbone of a Near-Real-Time Event Explainer Service

Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Forecasts Provide the Backbone of a Near-Real-Time Event Explainer Service

May 31, 2022

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) serves the Australian community providing forecasts at daily, multiweek, and seasonal time scales along with a range of other services. Customers are keen to be informed about the causes of extreme weather and climate events to help them in their planning and decision making, attribution can useful to understand the role of climate variability and circulation changes in causing extreme events. This article describes the tools that are being de­veloped at the BoM to explain the causes of extreme weather and climate events, and how those tools would add value to existing services.

Read more: Hope, P., Zhao, M., Abhik, S., Tolhurst, G., McKay, R.C., Rauniyar, S.P., Bettio, L., Ramchurn, A., Lim, E., Pepler, A.S., Cowan, T., & Watkins, A.B. (2022). Subseasonal to seasonal climate forecasts provide the backbone of a near-real-time event explainer service. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(3), S7-S13. doi:

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