Understanding and strengthening climate change attribution

Understanding and strengthening climate change attribution

January 5, 2024

Attribution science allows us to understand the signal of climate change in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events.

As extreme events increasingly impact Australia, it is important to understand the climate change signal within these events. This is the role of attribution science. This webinar gives an overview of the state of attribution research. Led by our Extreme Events Explained experts it looked at how changes to the severity or likelihood of these events can be explained and what this means for decision-making. It also looks at how attribution science can be effectively communicated, reflecting on findings from recent interviews conducted across all levels of government.

Watch Dr Pandora Hope from the Bureau of Meteorology discuss the latest in attribution science with Monash’s Hannah Bourbon and Francine Machine, with the conversation facilitated by Helen Bloustein from the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.




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