




AdaptLog – An Adaptation Catalogue for Conservation

January 7, 2025

AdaptLog is an online, searchable repository of conservation interventions for climate adaptation. AdaptLog includes many instances of novel and transformative approaches to conservation under rapid climate change. By collating these interventions, we hope to facilitate learning between practitioners, and seeding productive collaborations.

Adaptation project: Artificial burrows for stick-nest rats by artist Jane Bamford

Adapt Land & Sea: State-of-play report

October 28, 2024

The report summarises the state of play in online climate adaptation guidance and knowledge available for Australian biodiversity managers.

Australian landscape with red hills, bushes, a eucalypt tree and some water

The Southern Annular Mode and Large-Scale Circulations

December 6, 2023

Understanding large-scale linkages can provide insights into improving our seasonal forecasts and regional projections.   Being uniquely positioned, Australia’s climate is influenced by the Pacific, Indian…

Co-design guide

October 3, 2023

 Through co-design, the Climate Systems Hub is delivering projects that bring together physical science, ecological knowledge, Indigenous knowledge, adaptation practice, place-based knowledge, and policy directed…

How have the latest global climate models improved?

September 1, 2023

Climate models are the best available tools to investigate and understand possible future climates, including the international Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) coordinated by The…

Storylines of the Pilbara’s future climate

August 10, 2023

The storyline approach uses narratives to explore the implications of climate change on particular decisions. Storylines can help distill the overwhelming amount of information available…