Our 2024 webinar series started the year looking at Australia’s carbon budget. Published at the end of last year, the most comprehensive assessment of Australian CO₂ sources and sinks covers the decade from 2010 to 2019 and gives an in depth look at Australia’s anthropogenic and natural emissions. Co-author Dr Pep Canadell provided background on the science behind the assessment and what it shows. Dr Canadell was joined by CSIRO’s Dr Dan Rosauer who talked about vegetation models to improve estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks in Australia’s living environment and the prospects for increased carbon sinks through changing land management. Together, they discussed how this can help inform emissions reduction in Australia.
Dr Pep Canadell
Pep is a Chief Research Scientist in CSIRO Environment, Chief Lead Investigator in the Climate Systems Hub and Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project, a global consortium of scientists under the umbrella of Future Earth and a scientific partner of the World Climate Research Programme.
Dr Dan Rosauer
Dan is an ecologist with a background in greenhouse accounting, biodiversity, spatial modelling and environmental policy. As part of CSIRO’s Towards Net Zero Mission, he models vegetation processes to improve estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks in Australia’s living environment.