Answering your questions about climate science and adaptation practice

Answering your questions about climate science and adaptation practice

July 23, 2024

Do you want to understand how the climate is changing? Do you want to be sure you’re using the best available science? Do you have questions about climate models or which one to use in your climate risk assessments? 

This webinar brings together hub scientists Sarah Boulter, John Clarke and David Hoffmann to answer some of the common questions we have been asked.

The Climate Systems Hub has been delivering a series of short in-person training courses to help decision makers around Australia navigate the complexities of climate science. This includes understanding climate and how it’s changing, finding the right information for their needs and understanding ways to use the information in a climate change risk assessment. 

About the presenters:

Sarah Boulter is an Associate Professor of Climate Adaptation at the University of Tasmania and leads the NESP Climate Adaptation Initiative. She has spent the last decade building and supporting climate adaptation research and practice in Australia. Sarah’s research focuses on the impacts of climate change and building capacity to adapt. She has worked with the health, biodiversity, defence and infrastructure sectors to support, develop and implement climate change adaptation strategies. 

David Hoffmann is a climate scientist in the Climate Projections and Resilience team at the Bureau of Meteorology. He is working on climate projections and information for decision makers in the Climate Systems Hub and Australian Climate Service (ACS) and leads the ACS hazard team on drought and changes in aridity. He also works with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) on assessing and creating better early warning systems. 

John Clarke leads the Regional Climate Intelligence Group at CSIRO. John has over a decade of experience developing climate change projections and helping decision-makers make use of them. He also works with the hub project Synthesis communication and data: Tailored information for stakeholders.  His current work has a strong focus on helping Australians understand and use climate change projections. John was recently a lead author of the State of the Climate 2022 Report for Australia. 


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